chosen one
" For many are called, but few are chosen."
Matthew 22:14

The greater the struggle, the greater the purpose.
As a chosen one and spiritual life coach, I teach you how to steward your pain through your isolation, testing and refining seasons. I support and encourage you to recognize and accept the many lessons this journey is teaching you, because your story is the key to someone else's freedom. I help you continue to persevere through the doubt, impatience, insecurity, heartache and fear that you will inevitably feel as you surrender your will for God's will, providing you clarity to understand the purpose in it all. I empower you to fight, to walk in your truth and to remain grounded in your faith, in God and how to truly trust the divine timing at play in your life, because you're the miracle... it's your time.
I show you how to navigate this beautifully brutal calling as only a chosen one can. I know it's been a never-ending storm for you, I know how tired you feel right now, and I know that you want to give up. When you are chosen by God your entire life will be disassembled, people around you are not going to understand this, people in your past can not go with you, and you will feel truly alone in this world. You will be set apart, and your anointing will cause you to suffer immensely because you have a significant purpose to fulfill. You are being prepared for what God has prepared for you, but this is not easy, and he doesn't expect you to do it alone. Take my hand, I'm here.